Online conferences and a stronger social position

Looking back at this year's reports of the business internet portal Növekedé, it seems that the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), the oldest and largest professional organisation of Hungarian economists, has had a rich year in professional events, conferences and round-table discussions. Növekedé interviewed Gyula Pleschinger, President of the HEA, Member of the Monetary Council, and [...]

Online conferences and a stronger social position2022-12-28T15:03:26+00:00

Financing of the energy transition in Hungary

Financing of the energy transition in Hungary - this is the title of a two-day, four-session, English-language online conference organised by Cambridge Econometrics, the British Embassy in Budapest and the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on 12-13 December 2022. The conference presentations and panel discussions are now available to watch and listen to on the HEA's [...]

Financing of the energy transition in Hungary2022-12-20T12:39:13+00:00

HEA participation in the Working Group of the Integrity Authority

With the participation of Zsombor Essősy, CEO of MAPI Zrt. and Vice President of the Development Policy Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), the Anti-Corruption Working Group of the Integrity Authority was established. The consultative body has 21 members, ten of whom were delegated by the public authorities in accordance with the law, and [...]

HEA participation in the Working Group of the Integrity Authority2022-12-01T20:02:00+00:00
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