‘Market Economies in the European Union’ is the title of a book by Beáta Farkas, Professor of the University of Szeged, recently published by Akadémiai Kiadó. (The English version edition of the book was published in October 2016 by Palgrave Macmillan under the title ‘Models of Capitalism in the European Union’.) The book will be presented during an event organised by the Hungarian Economic Association and the Faculty of Economics, University of Szeged at Europa Point (1024 Budapest, Lövőház u. 35.), starting at 11 am on Monday, 19 June 2017.


The book will be presented by Katalin Szabó, Professor Emerita of Corvinus University and László Muraközy, Professor of Szent István University. The moderator of the discussion will be Árpád Kovács, Professor of University of Szeged and lifetime Honorary President of the Hungarian Economic Association.


“We live in times when ‘humanity seems to have suddenly lost its sense of balance’. The book written by Beáta Farkas is very well timed, highlighting with in-depth institutional analysis the reasons for, and the potential outcome of losing our sense of balance within the European Union, our immediate environment. The weighty message of the book, which is likely to provoke future debates, logically follows from the cornerstone of institutional thinking, i.e. path dependency: differentiated integration is not a temporary departure from a final state suggesting a desired safety, but the natural way of existence in an open system.” – wrote Balázs Hámori, Professor of Corvinus University about the book.


Participation in the event will be free, subject to registration. Anyone interested in the event will be required to contact us via office.mkt@t-online.hu.