Anthony Hobley, CEO of Carbon Tracker Initiative, a non-profit consultancy organisation delivered a presentation in English at the Budapest Business School on Thursday, 18 May 2017, jointly organised by Vertis Environmental Finance, the Hungarian Economic Association and the British Embassy. The video of the presentation can be accessed at our website.

The presentation held by Anthony Hobley was primarily aimed at professionals with business activities involving financial operations, investment and trade, with any connection to companies concerned with the oil and gas sector, coal mining and electric power generation.

In the recent years Carbon Tracker Initiative introduced a revolutionary way of thinking to financial institutions in the UK and the USA in terms of fossil fuel investment. As a result of in-depth financial analyses they managed to direct the attention of investment specialists to the risks presented for the sector by imminent climate regulation. They successfully introduced terms such as ‘coal bubble’ and ‘dormant assets’, now globally used by the leading financial centres and authorities.

Following the presentation, the Hungarian aspects of the issue were discussed in the framework of an English language roundtable session by Ágnes Horváth, Chief Economist of MOL Group, János Samu, Head of Analysis Unit of Concorde Fund Manager, Gergely Tardos, Head of OTP Analysis Centre and Gábor Gyura, Head of Methodology Department of NBH Supervision. The moderator of the roundtable session was István Bart, Co-President of the Energy Club.