The 55th Itinerant Conference of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) was closed on 9 September in Eger. The three-day event broke several records, with two plenary rooms, 17 specialised sections, over 160 presenters, and a total audience of almost 900 people. The number of participants, presenters and sections has never been so high before.

For the first time in the history of HEA, the opening meeting of 7 September featured a Nobel prize-winning economist, professor Thomas J. Sargent. He and central bank governor György Matolcsy were greeted by a full house – over 500 people – in the conference room of Hotel Eger & Park.

The presentations were streamed live to several hundred viewers on the Facebook page of the conference. The lively interest is best illustrated by the fact that some 7,000 visitors have downloaded the web pages of the itinerant meeting 18,500 times on 7,900 occasions over the past 30 days.

As before, the conference elicited considerable interest by the media. Click on the “Press” (SAJTÓ) menu item on the web site of the conference for a non-comprehensive collection of media reports.

A selection of photos taken at the conference can be viewed under the “Photos” (FOTÓK) menu item on the web site, with further galleries on the FACEBOOK page.

Videos of the presentations streamed live are available under the “Videos” (VIDEÓK) menu item on the web site.

Most of the presentations can already be downloaded as pdf files under the “Presentations” (ELŐADÁSOK) menu item on the web site, with further presentations to be uploaded in the next days.

In his closing speech, HEA president Gyula Pleschinger noted that the next, 56th Itinerant Meeting of Economists will be held in September 2018 in Debrecen.