More than one hundred students of economies flocked from all corners of the country (such as Debrecen, Szeged, Pécs, Miskolc, Győr, Eger and Budapest), and also from areas inhabited by ethnic Hungarians in Serbia and Romania, to the seventh Meeting of Young Economists from the Carpathian Basin. The conference, organised by the Youth Committee of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), was hosted by the Neumann János University of Kecskemét on 27-29 October 2017. The event also served as the 37th National Meeting of Young Economists.


The three-day conference was focused on competitiveness, digitalisation and the fintech industry. The 25 presenters at the two plenary meetings and in the three sections included László Domokos, president of the State Audit Office; Ágnes Hornung, state secretary of the Ministry of National Economy responsible for finances; Gyula Pleschinger, President of the Hungarian Economic Association and member of the Monetary Council; Piroska Ailer, rector of the Neumann János University; Klaudia Sz. Pataki, mayor of Kecskemét; Dániel Palotai, chief economist of the National Bank of Hungary, and deputy chairman of HEA; Péter Forrai, deputy CEO of the Hungarian Post; as well as two deputy CEOs of the Budapest Stock Exchange.

It was announced at the closing plenary meeting that next year’s Meeting of Young Economists from the Carpathian Basin would be organised by the Association of Hungarian Economists of Voivodina, and would be held in the town of Palics next year.


Future economic experts meet in Kecskemét  – Kecskeméten tanácskoznak a leendő gazdasági szakemberek (
Young Economists convene at Neumann János University – Fiatal Közgazdászok Találkozója a Neumann János Egyetemen (
Young economists from the Carpathian Basin meet in Kecskemét – Kecskeméten tanácskoznak a Kárpát-medence fiatal közgazdászai (Kecskeméti Napló)
Domokos: renewal of state management is a success criterion – Domokos: sikerkritérium az állammenedzsment megújítása (News portal of the State Audit Office)
Young economists – Fiatal közgazdászok (Kecskeméti TV)



Opening plenary meeting
Presided by Péter Németh, chairman of the Youth Committee of HEA

Welcome addresses
Éva Hegedüs,
HEA secretary general, president and CEO of Granit Bank Zrt.
Zita Finta, chancellor of the Neumann János University, chairperson of HEA’s Bács-Kiskun county unit

László Domokos
, president of the State Audit Office
Klaudia  Sz. Pataki, Mayor of the City of Kecskemét
Dániel Palotai, chief economist of the National Bank of Hungary, deputy chairman of HEA, and chairman of the Competitiveness Unit of HEA
István Máté-Tóth, deputy CEO of the Budapest Stock Exchange in charge of business

The fintech industry and the banking sector – section
Presided by: Róbert Gergő Cseszlai, deputy chairman of HEA’s Youth Committee

Péter Forrai
, deputy CEO, Hungarian Post
Gyula Vig, deputy CEO, GIRO Zrt.
Lajos Barta, director, Financial Infrastructure Directorate of the National Bank of Hungary
Endre Szőcs, founder, Negotio
Gergely Szabó, economic researcher, Research Directorate of the National Bank of Hungary
Jenő Siklós, deputy CEO, Granit Bank Zrt
János Pereces, manager, MKB Fintechlab

Export competitiveness – section
Presided by: Márk  Petz, deputy chairman, HEA Youth Committee, Foreign Trade unit

Iván  Nyíri,
honorary chairman of the International Economy unit of HEA, former Eximbank CEO, honorary consul to Ecuador
Ervin  Szél, Foreign Trade Attaché, Embassy of Hungary in Skopje, member of the Presidium of HEA
László Regőci, executive director, Bonaventura Gold Kft.

Regional stock markets – section
Presided by Katalin Juhász, founder and former chairperson of HEA’s unit at the University of Technology

István Máté-Tóth
, deputy CEO for business, Budapest Stock Exchange
Dániel Körmöczi, deputy CEO in charge of international relations, Budapest Stock Exchange
Loránd István Králik, economist, lecturer at the Partium Christian University, guest lecturer at the Babes-Bolyai University of Sciences, former member of the Board of Directors of the Securities Market and Financial Supervisory Authority of Romania.

Closing plenary meeting
Presided by: Péter Németh, chairman, HEA Youth Committee

Ágnes Hornung
, state secretary responsible for finances, Ministry of National Economy
Piroska Ailer, rector, Neumann János University
Ádám Banai, director, Financial System Analysis Directorate, National Bank of Hungary
Erzsébet Czakó, lecturer at the Corvinus University of Budapest, chairperson of the Industry and Enterprise Unit of HEA
Gyula Pleschinger, President of the Hungarian Economic Association, member of the Monetary Council of the National Bank of Hungary

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