A conference on budget policy, titled “Fiscal leeway and one-way track 2018”, will start at 6 p.m. on Thursday, 23 November in room 2001 of the main building of the Budapest Corvinus University (1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8). The event is organised by the Economic Policies and Theories Unit of the Hungarian Economic Association, and HEA’s youth unit at the Corvinus University.

Presenters: Péter Benő Banai, state secretary of the Ministry of National Economy in charge of public finances; Csaba László, former finance minister; Balázs Romhányi, director of the Budgetary Responsibility Institute; István Madár, senior analyst of portfolio.hu, and member of HEA’s presidium; and László György, senior analyst of the Századvég research institute. Former finance minister Péter Oszkó will take part in the discussion after the presentations. The conference will be moderated by Attila Chikán, member of the Academy of Sciences, university lecturer, and chairman of HEA’s Economic Policies and Theories Unit.

Participation is free of charge but subject to prior registration due to the limited capacity of the room. Please indicate your intention to attend the conference in an e-mail message sent to office.mkt@t-online.hu. Attendance requests shall be honoured in the order of receipt, until the capacity of the room is filled.