The Economic Associations of the Visegrád Group countries signed a Memorandum on 22nd March in Budapest. With signing this memorandum, they express their wish to initiate a close cooperation with the aim to contribute to the success of the Visegrád Cooperation in the fields of economic
research, education and exchange of information.

The Memorandum was signed (left-right) by Professor Martin KAHANEC, President of the Slovak Economic Association, founder and Science Director of Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI), Associate Professor at the Central European University in Budapest; Professor Bogusław FIEDOR, Vice President of the Polish Economic Society, Professor of Economics and former rector at Wloclaw University of Economics; Gyula PLESCHINGER, President of Hungarian Economic Association, Member of the Monetary Policy Council of the National Bank of Hungary; and Kamil GALUŠČÁK, President of the Czech Economic Society, advisor to the Board of the Czech National Bank.

By signing this Memorandum, the V4 Economic Associations prepared to hold biennial V4 Economic Conferences on the issues concerning the Visegrád Group and/or the broader CEE region (e.g. innovation, demography, growth prospects, economic integration, etc.) with participation of key policy makers, distinguished researchers and leading industry experts in relevant areas as speakers or panelists. The associations are to found a V4 Economic Prize for young (below age of 35) economists to be awarded biennially, and they are to facilitate research fellows from the countries of the signatories in accessing and exchanging economic data essential to their academic work.

The scanned version of the signed memorandum is available here (pdf).