Competitiveness, Innovation and Education – it will be the title of the annual Competitiveness Conference of the King Sigismund University, to be held on Thursday, 17 May 2018, from 9 a.m. in the Kossuth Hall of the University (1039 Budapest, Kelta u. 2., B épület, 1st floor – directions).

Presentations will be delivered, among others, by Mihály Varga, Minister of National Economy; Éva Hegedüs, Chairperson and CEO of GRÁNIT Bank Zrt., Secretary General of HEA; Dániel Palotai, Chief Economist of the National Bank of Hungary, Vice President of HEA and President of the Competitiveness Section of HEA; László Domokos, President of the State Audit Office and László Parragh, President of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

To access the detailed programme of the Conference please click here.

Participation will be free, subject to previous registration due to limited capacity. In order to register please complete the form at