As it has been widely announced in the news, the rules of data processing have been significantly tightened in the countries of the EU as of 25 May 2018, including Hungary as well.  As a controller, the Hungarian Economic Association naturally strives to ensure full conformity with the GDPR.

As regards its form of operation, the Hungarian Economic Association is a public benefit entity. Accordingly, based on the applicable laws, it naturally keeps record of and processes the personal data of its members: all the information supplied by HEA’s members via joining declarations, data verification forms, as well as our online platform protected by password by means of updating personal data. Such information (surname, first name, home address, year of birth, email address, telephone number, name and address of workplace, mailing address, qualification and name of issuing institute, name(s) of chosen section(s) are exclusively recorded and processed by us in relation to the professional activity and operation of the HEA, and such data, naturally, are never disclosed to any third parties. The above data are required in order to send information materials to our members regarding the activity and operation of the HEA including newsletters, invitations to various events, documents related to membership fee payment, or discounts available to our members.

Our Data Protection Policy and Information can be accessed at HEA’s website via the following link:

The personal data registered and processed by the Hungarian Economic Association can be accessed by other members as well in a personalised manner, and can be modified or updated by them as necessary. It can be done at our website via the link, subject to utilisation of password. The required login information has been sent to our members in a letter requesting membership fee payment as well as by email. Members are kindly requested to review and update their data as necessary via this password protected platform.

The members of the Hungarian Economic Association may also request modification of their data by using our online data verification form accessible at

Anyone wishing to have their data processed by the Hungarian Economic Association deleted, i.e. requiring termination of their HEA membership should contact us by email via the address, or send a letter to our Secretariat.