Competitiveness, technology and innovation were the focus of the conference organised by the Responsible Corporate Governance Section of the Hungarian Economic Association, the Keleti Faculty of Business and Management, Óbuda University and the Budapest Stock Exchange in the middle of November 2018 in celebration of Hungarian Sciences.

In addition to senior public, scientific and corporate officials the event attracted a large audience as well. The participants were greeted by Mihály Réger, Rector of Óbuda University, Gyula Pleschinger, President of HEA, member of the Monetary Council and Bianka Parragh, lecturer of Óbuda University, member of the Monetary Council.

The speakers of the conference included Balázs Rákossy, Secretary of State for utilisation of EU funds, Ministry of Finance; Dániel Palotai, Executive Director and Chief Economist of the National Bank of Hungary;  Richárd Végh, Chairman and CEO of the Budapest Stock Exchange; Kornélia Lazányi, Dean of the Keleti Faculty of Business and Management, Óbuda University; Ádám Szigeti, Deputy Secretary of State for Innovation, Ministry of Innovation and Technology; László Krisán, CEO of KAVOSZ Zrt., Vice President for EU funding related issues, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Levente Zsembery, Chairman of Hungarian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association; Erzsébet Krahulecz, Director of EMEIA Regulatory and Public Policy Brussels Office at EY; and Ágnes Csiszárik-Kocsir, Director of Institute of Economics and Social Sciences, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management, Óbuda University.

Representing the business sphere Márton Teremi, Director of Investor Relations of Waberers Nyrt, Péter Vitkovics, Board Member of Megakrán Zrt, founder and owner of Változá and Balázs Bozsik, Director of Sales and Marketing of the Budapest Stock Exchange participated in the panel discussion.

The numerous attendees included senior economists of the financial and public sector, university lecturers and students of economics. The professional-scientific discussion focused on the competitiveness challenges of business management and the possible responses and measures to address the present and future technological and innovation challenges based on responsible corporate governance, the competitiveness factors of the national economy providing a framework for the discussion.

It was said that quality business management based on the principles of responsible corporate governance and transparency had a potential to increase business value. The issue of efficient and effective utilization of resources by the domestic companies was discussed with the active involvement of the audience. The conference was particularly valuable due to the economic, public and scientific aspects of the discussion taking account of the features of domestic and foreign corporate governance, recognizing them as an important resource and competitiveness factor benefiting from public intervention and support with a focus on improvement, growth and education.

The third conference on Corporate Governance at the highest level is planned to take place in the autumn of 2019.

Media coverage of the conference:

Kiderült: csak jövőre jön a kormány őszre ígért nagy csomagja (
Óriási a tét! Most dől el Magyarország sorsa (
A kormány kiemelt figyelmet fordít az innovációra (
Számos reform kell a sikeres EU-felzárkózáshoz (
Négyszázalékos növekedés mellett utolérhetjük a nyugatot (
Jövőre halasztott a kormány egy fontos csomagot (
10 éven belül még nem tűnnek el a sofőrök a kamionokból (
A robotok máris legyőztek minket (
Ezeken a területeken a legnagyobb a hazai cégek lemaradása (Növekedé
Mikorra érhetik el a reálbérek a 400 ezer forintot? (Növekedé

Slides of the conference presentations (pdf):

Erzsébet Krahulecz
László Krisán
Kornélia Lazányi
Dániel Palotai
Balázs Rákossy
Ádám Szigeti
Levente Zsembery