The human capital requirements of Japanese capital inflow will be the title of a professional forum organized by the Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association to take place on Thursday, 7 March 2019 from 2 p.m. in the Conference Hall of the headquarters of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bank Center Office, 1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 7, 10th Floor, Room 1001).

During the event Zoltán Bassa, senior consultant of Sudy and Co. Ltd. will provide an overview on ’The workforce relations experiences of Japanese companies in Hungary’, followed by a presentation delivered by Katalin Völgyi, research fellow of the Institute of World Economics, HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies on ‘The foreign direct investments of Japanese companies and their impact on employment’. The forum will be moderated by Annamária Artner, senior research fellow of the Institute of World Economics, HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Board member of the Labour Section of HEA.

Participation will be free, strictly subject to prior registration due to limited capacity and access control system operated in the building. Anyone interested in the event should send an email via the following address by 4 March 2019.