Crisis, Economy, World – Further Thoughts on Three Decades of Economic History in Central Europe (1988-2018) is the title of a book written by László Csaba, Academic, Professor of Economics, recently published by Éghajlat Publishing Company. In relation to the book a professional event will be held on Monday, 29 April 2019 from 3 p.m., organized by the Hungarian Economic Association at the Budapest Business School (1055 Budapest, Markó utca 29-31., Lotz Hall).

During the event an introductory presentation will be given by Professor László Csaba, followed by a roundtable session. Participants of the discussion: Éva Palócz, CEO of Kopint-Tárki Zrt., Vice President of the HEA; Balázs Szepesi, Deputy State Secretary for Economic Development, Ministry of Innovation and Technology; Miklós Losoncz, Research Professor of Budapest Business School, former Board member of the HEA; Gergely Suppan, Senior Analyst, Takarékbank, and of course, László Csaba, Professor.

Participation in the event will be free, subject to prior registration. Anyone interested in the event should send an email via the address by 25 April 2019. Registrations will be accepted subject to capacity of the venue.