Basketball legend Tímea Ivkovicné Béres, managing director of Kecskeméti Junior Sport Nonprofit Kft., head of the Basketball Academy of Kecskemét, manager of the women’s national basketball team will be the guest of the upcoming session of the HEA Business Wednesday series organized by the Kecskemét Youth Organization of the Hungarian Economic Association on Wednesday, 8 May 2019 from 6 p.m. in the Eötvös Loránd Auditorium of Neumann János University, Kecskemét (6000 Kecskemét, Izsáki út 10.).

The HEA Business Wednesday is a series of events aiming to offer insight into various issues related to business management, business development and management techniques.

Tímea Béres Ivkovicné is the only Hungarian female basketball player to win the Champions League and the Ronchetti Cup, who played in the champion teams of three countries and has been the Ambassador of Hungarian Basketball since 2013, in addition to hosting the 2015 European Championship organized in Hungary and managing the women’s national basketball team. She finished her active sporting career with 21 gold medals and is currently successful in sports diplomacy and sports management.

Participation will be free, subject to prior registration. To register for the event please click here.