The workshop on New Forms of Employment in Europe organized by the Labour Section and the International Economics Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on 18 April 2019 including two presentations and a discussion focused on the impacts and consequences of the rapid robotics and AI developments on the concept and changing economic and social role of labour.

During the event the opening presentation was delivered by László Andor, Associate Professor, Head of Department at Corvinus University of Budapest, former member of the European Commission, followed by Ágnes Simonyi, Honorary Professor of ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences. The forum was moderated by Judit Csoba, Professor of the University of Debrecen, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.

A detailed article on the workshop’s presentations and discussion was published in the June edition of the Labour Review. To download the article written by Fanni Maszlag please click here.

Related documents:
Summary of the event in the Labour Review (pdf)

Related links:
Article on the event at the portal Nö