The Economic Associations of Slovakia and the Czech Republic organized a joint professional conference in association with the Mendel University of Brno and the Hungarian Economic Association, taking place at the Mendel University in Brno on 11-13 September 2019. The conference financed by the Visegrad Fund also commemorated the 30th anniversary of the transition from a planned economy to a market economy in the Visegrad Countries. The organizers called for papers in all fields of economics and finance – at the invitation of the Hungarian Economic Association numerous speakers eventually applied and gained participation at the prestigious event.

The 125 year old Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) entered into a cooperation agreement with Czech, Polish and Slovakian partner organizations in the spring of 2018 with a view to contributing to economic growth and development in the region through joint scientific conferences and professional programmes organized by the economic associations of the four Visegrad Countries. The recent conference in Brno was an important element of the cooperation.

The Hungarian speakers of the conference included Szabolcs Fazakas, former Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, former Member of the European Court of Auditors, former MEP, and President of the European Union Section of HEA; György Szapáry, Chief Advisor to the Governor of the MNB, former Ambassador to the United States; Magdolna Csath, University Professor; Dániel Plósz, Head of Department of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Secretary of the Public Finance Section of the HEA; Balázs Ferkelt, Associate Professor of the Budapest Business School, President of the International Economics Section of the HEA; Tünde Gergics, Expert of the Fiscal Council of Hungary, Secretary of the Sport Economics Section of the HEA; Péter Juhász and László Reszegi, Corvinus University of Budapest; Gábor Túry, Institute of World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Bence Varga and Márton Bókay, National Bank of Hungary. The scientific organizing committee of the conference included Gyula Pleschinger, President of the HEA, Member of the Monetary Council.

Related documents:
Eszter Boros: A Fair Solution or Pure Theory: Price Adjustment in the Euro Area
Magdolna Csath: How to avoid middle-income trap in the V4 countries
Bence Varga: The Hungarian Financial Trilemma between 1867-1924
Gábor Túry: New challenges thirty years after the economic and political transition – Consequences of Technological Changes in the Central European Automotive Industry as part of the Global Value Chains
Marton Szabolcs Bokay and Adam Banai: Energy and carbon cost of mining cryptocurrencies
György Szapáry and Dániel János Plósz: Geopolitical shifts in the evolving new world order
Oliver Kovacs: An Old Theory in the Age of Industry 4.0 – Propelling Productivity Right Now?
Balázs Ferkelt and Tünde Gergics: Ready for the euro in Visegrad Group: Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary ante portas?
Péter Juhász and László Reszegi: The myth of convergence – Trends of economic dualities in the Hungarian manufacturing industry

The conference was implemented in the framework of the Visegrad Group Partnership of Economic Associations project.
The event was funded by the Governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through the Visegrad Fund.