Technical advancement and labour will be the title of a professional event to be held by the Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Thursday, 24 October 2019, from 2 p.m. in the HEA Community Centre, Eiffel Palace Office (1055 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 78, 1st floor).
The introductory presentation will be delivered by Annamária Artner, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of World Economics, HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Board Member of the Labour Section of the HEA. After that Károly Fazekas, Emeritus Researcher of the Institute of Economics, HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, former Board Member of the HEA will discuss the latest trends. Finally, Dávid Losonci, Associate Professor of the Corvinus University of Budapest will offer a glimpse into his research on the corporate adaptation of Industry 4.0. The event will be moderated by László Herczog, former Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Economist of Pénzügykutató Zrt., Board Member of the Labour Section of the HEA.
Participation will be free, subject to prior registration due to limited capacity of the venue. Anyone interested in the event should send an email via the address by 21 October 2019.