The decision to set up the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the Hungarian Economic Association was adopted by the Board Meeting of the HEA on 22 October 2019.   The participants of the inaugural meeting held at the headquarters of the Hungarian Banking Association in July 2019 elected Éva Pintér (University of Pécs) as President, Levente Kovács (Banking Association) and Róbert Reisz (CIB Bank) as Vice President, and Péter Bagó (Corvinus University of Budapest) as Secretary of the Section. Several Board members will speak at the 9th Conference of Young Economists of the Carpathian Basin taking place in Kaposvár over the weekend.

Members wishing to join the Fintech and Financial Culture Section are invited to fill in the Data Verification Form available at the website, or to select the Section after logging in to the site using identification and password.

The Fintech and Financial Culture Section is the 23rd section of the HEA.