The European Union Section of the HEA is organizing a visit to the Hungarian Headquarters of Siemens Group (Budapest XIV, Gizella út 51-57.) on Monday, 25 November 2019, from 5 p.m. The Hungarian language event including an introductory session and discussion will be hosted by Dale A. Martin, Chairman-CEO of Siemens Hungary, former President of the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DUIHK).

Siemens is a leading company group in Europe and worldwide. The field trip organized by the European Union Section will offer a glimpse into the management’s expectations as to the international and European economic situation and future prospects, as well as the company’s Hungarian activities.

Siemens, a strategic partner of the Hungarian Government since 2013 has played an active role in Hungary’s economy for over 130 years, since the launch of the first tram line in Budapest in 1887. The company’s presence gained fresh momentum with the establishment of a joint venture in 1970; in recent decades Siemens has grown increasingly active, taking over numerous businesses or setting up new ones engaged, among others, in developing metropolitan infrastructure and community transport, building power plants for power generation, improving the energy efficiency of buildings, supplying diagnostic equipment for hospitals and enhancing digitalization.

Participation will be free, strictly subject to prior registration due to limited capacity. Anyone interested in the event should send an email via the address by 15 November 2019.