The Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association organized a professional event on technical advancement, Industry 4.0 and labour market which took place in the HEA Community Centre on 24 October 2019.

During the event the introductory presentation was delivered by Annamária Artner, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of World Economics, HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Board Member of the Labour Section of the HEA. After that Károly Fazekas, Emeritus Researcher of the Institute of Economics, HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, former Board Member of the HEA discussed the latest trends. Finally, Dávid Losonci, Associate Professor of Corvinus University of Budapest offered a glimpse into his research on the corporate adaptation of Industry 4.0.

The speakers outlined the impacts of technological development, the changed workforce requirements of the employers and the emergence of new forms of employment affecting the labour market and specifically discussed the role of Hungarian industry in technological development.

To access the detailed report written by Péter Szentesi in the Labour Review (Munkaügyi Szemle), please click here.

Related links:
Report by Péter Szentesi (pdf)