The decision by the majority of British voters and the  Brexit at the end of January 2020 will, in many respects, create a new situation for the future of the relationship between the UK and European Union institutions and individual Member States.

A presentation on the current state of the exit process, its major connections and potential impacts will be held by Iain Lindsay, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom to Hungary at the invitation of the European Union Section of the Hungarian Economic Association, and Szabolcs Takács  former Secretary of State, Ministerial Commissioner for Brexit, on the first working day following the exit of the UK from the EU, at 5 p.m. on Monday, 3 February 2020, in the Lotz Hall of the Budapest Economic University (1051 Budapest, Markó utca 29-31). The event is chaired by Szabolcs Fazakas former Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, former Hungarian Member of the European Court f Auditors, former Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Union Section.