The Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association will hold a professional event under the title Foreign employee in the Hungarian Labour Market at 2 p.m. on Thursday, 5 March 2020  in the conference hall of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) (Bank Center Office Building, 1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 7, floor 10, meeting room 1001).

Lecturers of the conference on trends, myths, issues and dilemmas include the following: Judit Lakatos statistician, retired professional chief consultant of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) (Foreigners in the domestic labour market – What do data show? And what do they not show?); Mária Rédei Mrs. Langer, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), assistant professor of ELTE (What trends can be verified in the domestic market of foreign workers?); Tibor T. Meszmann, labour affairs researcher of the Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) (Ukrainian hired workers in the electronics sector); László Koji, President of the National Federation of Hungarian Building Contractors (ÉVOSZ)  (Movement of labour in the construction market – aspects of employers) and Zoltán László, Vice President of VASAS, the Hungarian Metalworkers’ Federation (Foreign and Hungarian workers together in the domestic labour market – What do the trade unions say?). The event will be moderated by Katalin Nagy, former counsellor of the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU in Brussels.