The local branches of the Hungarian Economic Association elected their officials (the chairmen and secretaries) in three counties on Wednesday, 26 February. These meetings took place in Nyíregyháza, Eger and Szekszárd.

Márton Nagy, deputy governor of the National Bank of Hungary and chairman of HEA’s Financial Unit, gave a presentation on current developments regarding the Bonds for Growth Program in the morning of Wednesday, 26 September in Nyíregyháza. At the same event, the officials of HEA’s  Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County branch were elected.

After the presentation, the participants re-elected the following officials for another three-year term: Zoltán Mádi chairman, Tibor Lakatos deputy chairman, and Harsági Tünde secretary. József Bede and Olga Sz. Berta remained on the presidium. Click here for a report in the local newspaper, or here for an article on the home page of Nyíregyháza.

At the Eszterházy Károly University in Eger, Éva Palócz, CEO of Kopint-Tárki Zrt and HEA’s deputy chairperson, delivered a lecture titled “Hungary’s economic outlook in 2020 and beyond” on Wednesday. The presentation was covered by the national news agency MTI; click here for their report. The officials of the Heves county branch of the Hungarian Economic Association were re-elected for three more years at the same event: Sándor Csontos as chairman, Gabriella Soós as secretary, as well as local presidium members Hajnalka Csáfor, Tibor Aranyosi, Imre Nagy, Károly Bársony, and Rafael Szántósi. Gábor Asztalos joined the county presidium as a new member.

The officials of HEA’s Tolna county branch were also elected on Wednesday. In Szekszárd, the local members voted to re-elect chairman Csaba Gáspár and secretary Tamás Illés. Anna Tóth, CEO of Industria Kft. joined the county presidium.

(Cover photo: old-new presidium of our Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county branch: Tibor Lakatos, Tünde Harsági, Zoltán Mádi, Olga Sz. Berta, and József Bede.)

Press coverage:

Felpörgetnék a hazai kötvénypiacot (Kelet-Magyarország)
Tisztújító közgyűlés a Magyar Közgazdasági Társaság megyei szervezeténél (Nyí
Növekedési Kötvényprogram (Kölcsey TV)
Idén 3,5 százalékos gazdasági növekedésre számít a Kopint-Tárki (

Related documents:
Slides of the presentation by Márton Nagy (pdf)
Slides of the presentation by Éva Palócz (pdf)