The Real Estate Market Section of the Hungarian Economic Association was formed – the Presidium of the MKT also gave its consent to the establishment of the section. Members present at the inaugural meeting elected Balázs Pázmány, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ERSTE Alapkezelő Zrt., as President of the section. Anita Gálfi, head of real estate fund management of Erste Alapkezelő Zrt. performs the duties of the secretary of the section.

In the presidium’s three-year term now ending, the Hungarian Economic Association expanded with four new and one re-established sections. The European Union, Demography, Fintech and Financial Culture and Real Estate Market Sections of MKT were established and have been active since then, and the Public Finance Section was also re-established. Thus, our members can already choose from 24 divisions.

Our members can log in to the new section with their password and login on our website, or can indicate their intention to join on our online data reconciliation form.