Financial Awareness Trends is a study recently published in collaboration with the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the Hungarian Economic Association based on selected PÉNZ7 2019 Conference speeches. To download the document, please click here.

In Hungary the development of financial literacy and entrepreneurial culture is supported by a series of events taking place every spring: the PÉNZ7 events (Hungarian Money Week) is an international initiative including contests, special classroom events and series of performances to promote financial culture primarily among secondary school students. The participants of the PÉNZ7 events include various members of the Hungarian Economic Association every year.

The Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the HEA was established in 2019 to promote financial culture and literacy as broadly as possible. In addition to financial literacy textbooks, the experts consider it necessary to regularly discuss recent development trends in finance representing milestones not only in terms of materials developed for experiential learning but motivating the actors of financial and regulatory institutions and spheres to produce various studies, articles and professional opinion as well.

As a result, this publication was developed with authors including, among others, Ágnes Hornung, former Minister of State for Financial Affairs; Zsófia Horváth, Secretary General of the National Association of Voluntary Funds; Levente Kovács, Secretary General of the Hungarian Banking Association, Vice President of the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the HEA, and Péter Bagó, Senior Lecturer of Corvinus University of Budapest, Board Member of the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the HEA. The publication was edited by Éva Pintér, Associate Professor of Corvinus University of Budapest, President of the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the HEA.

Related documents:

Financial Awareness Trends – downloadable publication (pdf)