The HEA’s Commercial Section, at its online electoral meeting on Thursday, elected as president Tamás Kozák, associate professor of the Budapest University of Economic Sciences. The members voting in the digital space appointed Gabriella Soós associate professor of ELTE, Faculty of Law, Department of Economics and Statistics to manage the secretarial tasks of the Section.

In the framework of a meeting organised in the Microsoft Teams application, Tamás Kozák held a technical presentation on the effects of digitalisation on trade. You can view and listen to the presentation here:

During the online re-election of officials following the presentation, the members elected the new Board of the Commercial Section of HEA. In addition to Tamás Kozák, president and Gabriella Soós, secretary – the members are the following: Irma Agárdi, associate professor of the Department of Marketing Management of Budapest Corvinus University, head of the commercial research centre; Zsolt Pálinkás, Deputy Chief Operating Officer of Tesco Europe; György Vámos Secretary General of the Hungarian Trade Association; and Róbert Tóth Chief Economist of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce.

We congratulate the members of the Board of the Section on their election, and we wish a lot of success to their work!