What’s next for the youth? Exploring the labour market difficulties of young people during the COVID-19 pandemic will be the title of an online event organised by the Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association on Thursday, 12 November 2020 from 2 p.m. via Cisco Webex.

Speakers of the event: László Andor, Secretary General of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, former member of the European Commission (Youth unemployment and its management in the EU); Zoltán Hermann, Research Fellow, ELKH KRTK KTI (Education and labour market opportunities – Hungarian experiences); Luca Koltai, Senior Researcher, Hétfa Research Institute (The impact of COVID-19 on the labour market opportunities of young people) and Tamás Molnár, Analyst, Budapest Institute (Training and employment of young people). The event will be moderated by: Annamária Artner, Senior Research Fellow, ELKH KRTK VGI, Board Member of the Labour Section of the HEA.

Information necessary to access the online event:
Link for the presentation: https://magyarkozgazdasagitarsasag.my.webex.com/magyarkozgazdasagitarsasag.my/j.php?MTID=m94791d7c7db25936b19559707ceb80d2
Meeting number: 163 373 3600
Password: munkaugy2020

Related documents:
Installation Guide and Manual to Cisco Webex (pdf)