Space technology – innovation made in Hungary. This is title of the online roundtable discussion organized by the Industry and Entrepreneurship, Development Economics and Startup Sections of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) to be held an on Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 4 pm in the Cisco Webex application.

The keynote presentation of the English-language event will be given by Péter Hargitai, Chariman of the Hungarian Space Cluster. In addition to him, the participants of the subsequent professional panel discussion will be the leaders of three Hungarian space industry startups: István Arnócz (Space Apps Kft.); Bertalan Eged (Sagax Communications Kft.); and Károly Kornél Schlosser (Goldsmiths, University of London; Aquanauta Center for Exploration). The moderator of the discussion will be Miklós Kozma, associate professor of the Corvinus University of Budapest, chairman of the Industry and Entrepreneurship Section of HEA.

Meeting number: 175 245 9775
Password: Space2020