The Middle Income Trap – with this title, the Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) is organizing an online conference on Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 2 pm in the Cisco Webex application.

Speakers at the event: Magdolna Csath, Professor at the National University of Public Administration, Member of the National Competitiveness Council; László György, State Secretary for Economic Strategy and Regulation of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Member of the Board of the Public Finance Section of HEA; Éva Palócz, CEO of Kopint Tárki Zrt., Vice President of HEA and György Boda, Managing Partner of Boda & Partners Kft., Member of the Board of HEA’s Labour Section. The chairman of the conference will be László Herczog, former Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, a member of the Board of the Labor Section of HEA.

Information required to view the online event:
Lecture link:
Meeting number: 175 356 8613
Password: Jovedelem2020

We plan to stream the event live on HEA’s YouTube channel.