The Demography Section of the Hungarian Economic Association held its elections electronically, due to the pandemic situation. The members elected József Benda, a socialization researcher, as the president of the Section, and Attila Szoboszlai, an economist and organizational developer, as co-President.
At the beginning of the online section meeting, Emese Kreiszné Hudák, an expert from the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, gave a presentation entitled Demographic Challenges and Economic Consequences. The professional presentation – and the section meeting itself – can be viewed below.
Emese Kreiszné Hudák’s presentation can also be heard on HEA’s Podcats (in Hungarian):
As a result of the electronic renewal, Professor István Magyari-Beck will continue to hold the title of Honorary President of the Demography Section. The members entrusted economist and statistician Zsuzsa Sisakné Fekete with the task of Secretary of the Section. The members of the board of the Section became the following specialists for a period of three years: jr. Gyula Fekete statistician, economist; Tamás László architect; László Mádi college teacher; Antal Szabadkai engineer, economist; and Zoltán Szarvas project manager.