Considering the pandemic related risks and uncertainties the Board of the Hungarian Economic Association decided to organise the 59th Itinerant Conference of Economists on 23-24 September 2021 in a hybrid format, similar to last year, with live video streaming.

Based on the Board’s decision the Budapest venue of the conference should be selected in a way to allow a limited number of attendees depending on the pandemic situation and the current regulations in force.

The section meetings and panel discussions will be pre-recorded and published via the conference website and HEA’s YouTube Channel upon commencement, similar to last year.

The organisation of the conference programme is under way; members will be kept informed via the website of the Conference.

We hope to be able to organise the 60th Itinerant Conference of Economists in the usual way with approximately 800-900 attendees, 130-140 speakers and dozens of sections in the city of Szeged next year.