Three decades of labour legislation will be the title of a conference organised by the Labour and Social Law Section of the Hungarian Lawyers Association, the ELTE Faculty of Law Department of Labour and Social Law, and the Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association, to take place on Thursday, 3 March 2022, from 2 p.m.  via Webex and the HEA’s YouTube channel.

Speakers of the conference: György Kiss, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Head of Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences, National University of Public Service, and István Horváth, Associate Professor, Head of Department at ELTE Faculty of Law, Head of Labour and Social Law Section of the Hungarian Lawyers Association. Invited speakers: Péter Ákos Bod, Professor Emeritus of Corvinus University of Budapest, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vice President of the HEA; Ference Rolek, Vice President of the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists; and Melinda Mészáros, President of the Democratic League of Independent Trade Unions. Moderator: László Herczog, former Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, economist of Pénzügykutató Zrt., Board Member of the Labour Section of the HEA.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2371 241 9213
Password: Munkajog2022