Trends, risks and opportunities – internal audit priorities for 2022. This is the title of a professional lecture organised by the Audit Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Wednesday 2 March 2022 from 15:00 on Webex and on the HEA YouTube channel.

The speakers of the event – Zoltán Szöllősi, Director of Deloitte Risk Advisory Services, member of the Board of the HEA’s Audit Section and Adél György Virág, Senior Manager of Deloitte Risk Advisory Services – will present the key risks and opportunities that should be included in companies’ 2022 audit plans. They will provide insights into Deloitte’s view on the role of internal audit in 11 areas of focus, including third-party risk management, environmental, social and governance (ESG), mergers and acquisitions, cybersecurity, financial controls and automation, as well as provide their own perspectives on the basics of the issues, warning signs and useful steps to take.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2378 335 0353
Password: Ellenorzes2022