Recently, the Blockchain Coalition was formed in Hungary with the participation of public sector actors, higher education and scientific institutions, professional organisations and businesses. The aim of the organisation is to help Hungary to achieve an internationally recognised position in the application of this technology by providing support in the field of research and development and service development.

The Hungarian Economic Association’s Fintech and Financial Culture Section will organise an online roundtable discussion on the objectives of the Blockchain Coalition on Thursday, 7 April 2022, from 10 a.m. on Webex and on the MKT YouTube channel. The participants of the discussion will be Péter Fehér, Dean of the Executive Degree Programmes and Continuing Education at Corvinus University of Budapest; Viktor Vajda, European business lawyer, blockchain and digitalisation expert, expert of the Hungarian Innovation Association and Viktor Urbán, fintech and blockchain expert of the Digital Well-being Programme. The panel discussion will be moderated by Éva Pintér, Associate Professor at the Institute of Informatics of the BCE, Chair of the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the MKT.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2379 066 9749
Password: Blockchain2022