The present and trends of e-commerce in the FMCG sector – or how the economic crisis, pandemic and war have changed the procurement channels? The Hungarian Economic Association’s (HEA) Trade Section and the Department of Trade of the Budapest Business School (BBS) will organise a professional roundtable discussion on this topic on Thursday, 21 April 2022, from 13:00 at the Lotz Hall of the Markó Street Building of the BBS (1055 Budapest, Markó u. 29-31.).

The participants of the discussion are András Gyenge, e-commerce manager of SPAR Hungary; János Rákóczi, deputy chief commercial officer of Közért+ online marketplace and Péter Klekner, managing director of The discussion will be moderated by Tamás Kozák, Head of the Department of Commerce at the BBS and President of the HEA’s Trade Section.

The event is fully booked.