Péter Halmai was elected as a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Péter Mihályi as a corresponding member by the Assembly of Academicians on Tuesday 3 May.

Péter Halmai, Professor of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the National University of Public Service, founder and first President of the Veszprém County Organisation of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), and a member of our Association, who was awarded the Grand Prize of the HEA. Péter Halmai’s main areas of research are international economics, macroeconomics, the economics of European integration and comparative economics. He has made outstanding academic achievements and is a pioneer in the field of the economics of European integration.

Péter Mihályi, Professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Visiting Professor at the Central European University – member of the HEA for more than two decades. During his career, he has researched interrelated subfields of applied macroeconomics: housing, investment cycles, Western assistance in post-socialist transformation, privatisation, corruption, health care and pension systems, social inequalities in post-socialist societies.

We congratulate both professors – our members – and wish them good health and success in their future research and educating work!