Supporting the green transition – new directions for energy market regulation. This is the focus of the May 2022 thematic issue of the Economic Review. In connection with the publication, the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA), the Economic Review and the Hungarian Energy and Utility Regulatory Office (MEKH) are organising a joint online conference on Wednesday 15 June 2022, from 14:00 on Webex and on the MKT YouTube channel.

Following an introductory presentation by János Horváth Péter, President of the Hungarian Energy and Utility Regulatory Office, Éva Szabina Somossy, MEKH’s green economy expert will present an international price comparison analysis of Hungarian Metar tenders. Ágnes Csermely, Head of the Analysis and Modelling Department of MEKH, will then give an overview of the impact of solar power plants on wholesale market prices and the production of conventional technologies, followed by Örs István Ringhoffer, Deputy Head of Department at MEKH and Péter Vedres, Head of Department, will present a forecast on the costs of the energy efficiency obligation scheme, and finally Zoltán Pék, Energy Management Specialist, will share his thoughts on the experience of the test environment for energy regulation. The discussion following the presentations will be moderated by Tamás Halm, Editor-in-Chief of the Economic Review and member of the HEA’s Board.

The papers of the thematic issue can be found on the website of the Economic Review at

To follow the conference, please visit:
YouTube link:
Webex link:
Meeting number: 2375 126 5079
Password: Energy2022

The event will be streamed live on the MKT YouTube channel.