Megatrends in the economy and complex challenges of our age require a new kind of thinking and fresh efforts to strengthen international cooperation. In this spirit, the Budapest Eurasia Forum is presented for the fourth time by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), the central bank of Hungary. The prestigious event will take place in a hybrid format on 19-20 September 2022, with a public online livestream and a conference venue in Budapest. This time, the Forum is titled “Sustainable Growth and Cooperation – How to Win the 21st Century?”, and it offers a unique opportunity to learn the views of decision-makers, business leaders and experts from both Europe and Asia, regarding various topics covering finance, economy, geopolitics, technology and education.

After the high-level opening ceremony, there will be six thematic panels with interactive fireside chats and roundtable discussions, which seek answers to the hot topics of our era:
• How could Eurasia create and strengthen new financial hubs?
• Is globalisation or regionalisation the key pattern in geopolitics nowadays?
• How can the circular economy enhance competitiveness?
• What are the elements of successful export and FDI strategies in Eurasia?
• How do megaregional integrations and multilateral agreements contribute to competitiveness?
• What is the role of people-to-people exchanges in the new setting of our age?

Considering its scope and participants, the Budapest Eurasia Forum is a unique event organized by a European central bank to promote dialogue among Asia and the West. Thus, the Forum underscores the strategic role of Hungary and Budapest as a key hub in Central and Eastern Europe. The impact of the initiative is already bearing fruits as our growing network is embarking on more and more bilateral exchanges, joint publications and research activities.

The Budapest Eurasia Forum 2022 will feature more than 40 speakers from 15 countries, including Austria, China, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Confirmed high-level speakers of the Budapest Eurasia Forum 2022 include:
• Mr. György MATOLCSY, Governor, Magyar Nemzeti Bank
• Mr. Sethaput SUTHIWARTNARUEPUT, Governor, Bank of Thailand
• Ms. Jun ZHU, Chairwoman, Silk Road Fund
• Mr. Eng Chye TAN, President, National University of Singapore
• Mr. Simon TAY, Chairman, Singapore Institute of International Affairs
• Mr. Jeffrey D. SACHS, University Professor, Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University
• Mr. Raekwon CHUNG, Board Director, Ban Ki-moon Foundation for
a Better Future
• Ms. Shamshad AKHTAR, Former Governor, State Bank of Pakistan; Former Care Taker Finance Minister of Pakistan
• Mr. Ali HASSAN, Senior Representative for Europe and North America, Dubai International Financial Centre
• Mr. Patrick LAU, Deputy Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)
• Mr. Byung-il CHOI, President, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
• Mr. Arturo BRIS, Director, IMD World Competitiveness Center
• Mr. Michael MAINELLI, Chairman, Z/Yen Group Limited.

For the full list of our speakers please visit

The public live event will be broadcasted in the website of the conference, as well as in Zoom and YouTube. No registration is required to join the livestream.

If you wish to attend the conference personally in Budapest (MNB Headquarters, 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.), please inform the organizers about your interest in email (