Modern money management – financial security in cyberspace. This is the theme of this year’s Money Week series of events for primary and secondary schools, which will be held between 6 and 10 March 2023, and for which the organisers (the Hungarian Banking Association, the Pénziránytű Foundation, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance, at the request of the State Secretariat for Public Education of the Ministry of the Interior) are again inviting volunteer tutors:

In 2022, around 1,000 schools and 170,000 students were already participating in the programme. This year’s Money Week lessons will be organised in three age groups: 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11. Financial and entrepreneurial volunteer professionals will be available to help deliver the lessons both in person and online. They can even offer opportunities to develop students’ financial and entrepreneurial awareness during and/or after the theme week, in or out of class. The volunteer financial experts are involved in the programme as Money Week delegates, ambassadors of financial literacy and awareness.

To register as a volunteer for Money Week, go to (top right-hand corner) and enter an institution code. The institutional code of the Hungarian Economic Association for Money Week is 75929 – please refer to this code when registering!