In early December, the Parliament adopted the so-called blockchain law, which is an important step in the regulation of the sector in Hungary, partly in compliance with the EU’s legal harmonisation obligations. On this occasion, the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) will organise an online roundtable discussion on the current issues of blockchain technology regulation and market assessment on Tuesday, 17 January 2023, from 16:00 on Webex and on the YouTube channel of the HEA.

Participants in the round table discussion: Ferenc Vágujhelyi, State Secretary for Management of the National Tax and Customs Administration at the Ministry of Finance, President of the Blockchain Coalition; Lénárd Darázs, Professor, Deputy Rector of ELTE; Éva Pintér, Associate Professor, FinTech Specialist at the Corvinus University of Budapest, strategic manager of the Corvinus FinTech Center, President of the Fintech and Financial Culture Section of HEA; Mihály Veres, Director of the National Mobile Payment Ltd. and Viktor Urbán, permanent expert at the National Data Economy Knowledge Centre. The panel discussion will be moderated by Viktor Vajda LL.M., lawyer, member of the presidium of the Fintech and Financial Culture Section.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2367 944 1571
Password: BlockChain2023