Inflationary trends in the Hungarian economy – causes and challenges. This is the title of an online roundtable discussion organised by the Economic Policy and Theory Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Thursday, 9 March 2023, from 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel.

Participants of the discussion are: András Balatoni, Director of Economic Analysis and Forecasting at the Magyar Nemzeti Bank and member of the Section’s Board; Éva Palócz, CEO of Kopint-Tárki Konjunktúrakutató Zrt., Vice-President of the HEA; Péter Halmai, Széchenyi Prize-winning academic, professor at the National University of Public Service and the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the BME; Pál Danyi, price historian, pricing expert, associate professor at the BME GTK and János Nagy, macro analyst at Erste Bank Hungary Zrt. The discussion will be moderated by István Madár, Senior Analyst at and member of the HEA Board. The participants will be welcomed by Tihamér Laczkó, Secretary of the Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section of HEA.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2371 973 0462
Password: Inflation2023