Recession vs. boom 2023 – Opportunities, constraints, actualities. This is the title of a conference on trade and marketing organised by the Budapest Business School (BGE) and the Trade Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Thursday, 30 March 2023, from 10:00 a.m. in the BGE Aula (1055 Budapest, Markó u. 29-31.).

Plenary speakers at the conference will be Olga Beáta Felkai, Deputy State Secretary for Food Chain Supervision at the Ministry of Agriculture; István Madár, senior analyst of Portfolió.hu, member of the Presidion of the HEA; Zsolt Pálinkás, CEO of Tesco Hungary, member of the HEA’s Trade Section’s Board; Tamás Flesch, President of the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants; Zoltán Szabó, CEO of Ghibli Group, member of the HEA’s Logistic Section’s Board; and Szabolcs Marozsák, CEO of Clientfactory marketing agency. The conference is organised by László Kozár, Professor of the BGE Institute, and Tamás Kozák, Associate Professor, BGE, President of the Hea’s Trade Section.

The conference is free of charge but registration is required. To register, please follow this link.