The Labour Section of the Hungarian Economic Association re-elected József Bagó, Senior Advisor to the Government of the Ministry of the Interior’s Department of Public Employment Strategy and Coordination, editor and columnist of Munkaü, as its President. During the obline election, which ended on Thursday, February 16, the current board of the section was expanded with the addition of a new professional, Márton Czirfusz, co-founder of the Periphery Public Policy and Research Centre and regular speaker at the section’s events.

The members of the MKT Labour Section had one week to decide on the Section’s board by means of an online ballot paper. In addition to the President, the members also voted for a new term of office for the Secretary of the Section, Marta Józsa, Head of the Coordination Unit of the Directorate General of the National Chamber of Agriculture.

In addition, the voting members unanimously elected the board of the section for the next three years. According to their decision, the members of the board of the Labour Section are Annamária Artner, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economy; György Boda, Emeritus Associate Professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Managing Partner of Boda & Partners Ltd.; Márton Czirfusz, Co-Founder of the Periphery Public Policy and Research Centre; László Herczog, former Minister of Social Affairs and Labour; Györgyi Ignits, Head of the Department of Statistics, Analysis and Data Services of the Ministry of the Interior; Katalin Nagy, former Counsellor of the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU, Managing Director of Socfactor Consulting Consultancy Ltd; István Sum, Associate Professor at Milton Friedman University; and Adrienne Zemplényi, Legal Director of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, former Professional Advisor to the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.

Congratulations to the renewed Board of the Section, we wish them good health and success in their work!