Is the population sustainable? – this will be the title of a lecture by János I. Tóth, demographer, philosopher, habilitated associate professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Szeged, on Friday, 3 March 2023, at 10 am on Webex and on the YouTube channel of the Hungarian Economic Association. The event will be moderated by Gyula Fekete, statistician.

The number and quality of the population is a key element of sustainable development. Neither of these extremes – such as the exponential growth in Africa or the massive decline in Eastern Europe – is sustainable and will not lead to peaceful development. There are many means of population control: incentives, training, rewards, immigration, full-time parenthood, and so on. The presentation will discuss these tools, among others.

Information to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2375 258 5760
Password: Popula2023