Péter Halmai, Széchenyi Prize-winning academician and professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the National University of Public Service, has been elected as the new president of the Economic Policy and Theory Section of the Hungarian Economic Association. Professor Attila Chikán, the former president of the section, was elected honorary president by unanimous vote.

Széchenyi Prize winner Professor Péter Halmai is the founder and first president of the Veszprém County Organisation of the HEA and a member of our society, who was awarded the Grand Prize of the Association. His main areas of expertise are international economics, macroeconomics, the economics of European integration and comparative economics. He is a pioneer in the field of economics of European integration.

During the renewal process, which ended at noon on 9 March, the voting members appointed Tihamér Laczkó, economist, credit analyst and chartered accountant, as secretary of the section for another three years. Members of the presidium of the section are: András Balatoni, Director of Economic Analysis and Forecasting at the MNB; Dóra Győrffy, Professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Chair of the Committee on Economic Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Ágnes Horváth, chief economist of MOL Nyrt.; István Kónya, Professor at Corvinus University, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for Economic Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Éva Palócz, CEO of Kopint-Tárki Konjunktúrakutató Zrt., Vice-President of the HEA and Dávid Szebeni, Founder and Strategic Director of Enrawell Consulting Ltd.

Congratulations to the election of the heads of the department, we wish them good health and success in their work!