The European Union Section of the Hungarian Economic Association held its renewal meeting: the members voted confidence in the current Board of the Section for another three years. Gábor Iván, Director of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, will continue to chair the Section. The members confirmed Zsolt Becsey, lecturer at the Károli Gáspár Reformed University, former Secretary of State and former MEP, as Vice-Chairman, and Imre Juhász, retired government official and former diplomat for foreign trade and economics, as Secretary. Orsolya Szijjártó, former ambassador, EU tendering expert, lecturer at the Corvinus University of Budapest, owner of Inventio Consulting Ltd. remained the member of the board. The results of the election were presented by Gábor Iván Iván, President of the Section, at a round table discussion on the enlargement of the Schengen and Euro area of the European Union with Romania and Bulgaria.

We congratulate the newly elected presidency of the European Union Section and wish them every success in their work!