With the unanimous support of the voting members, Tamás Kozák, Associate Professor of the Department of Commerce at the Budapest Business School, will continue to serve as the President of the Hungarian Economic Association’s Section of Commerce. There was also no change in the position of the secretary: Gabriella Soós, assistant professor at BGE and research fellow at ELTE, was confirmed by the members.

Irma Agárdi, Associate Professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest; Ildikó Balázs, Director of External Corporate Relations at Auchan Hungary; Gabriella Heiszler, President and CEO of SPAR Hungary; Zsolt Pálinkás, CEO of Tesco Global Hungary; and György Vámos, Secretary General of the National Trade Association became members of the Section.

We congratulate the members of the Board of the Department of Commerce on their election and wish them every success in their work!