Boosting innovation: opportunities and challenges for companies and the state – this is the title of an online conference organised by the Innovation Section of the Hungarian Economic Association (HEA) on Monday 19 June 2023, from 2 pm on Webex and on the MKT’s YouTube channel.

Magdolna Csath, PhD, Senior Advisor to the Rector of Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Vice President of the Innovation Section of the HEA, will give the introductory lecture. The keynote will be followed by a panel discussion ith the participation of Lilla Udvarosné Hajdár, Deputy CEO of PEMÜ Műanyagipari Zrt.; László Volford, Network Developer of STEP & VALS Consulting Ltd. and Róbert Tacsi, Chief Operating Officer of Energocell Kft. The discussion will be moderated by Klaudia Horváth, Secretary of the Innovation Section of the HEA.

Information needed to follow event live:
Meeting number: 2361 345 5851
Password: Innova2023