Three decades of the employment service – the gaps in institutional capacity building. This is the title of an online conference organised by the Hungarian Economic Association’s (HEA) Labour Section on Thursday 14 September 2023 from 14:00 on Webex and on the HEA’s YouTube channel.

The introductory presentation will be given by Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze, Associate Professor at Wesley János College of Pastoral Education, Vice President of the Hungarian Pedagogical Society, whose recent publication on the topic appeared in the Labour Review. The invited contributors are Ambrus Kiss, former director of the county and regional labour centre (Zalaegerszeg); László Janovics, former director of the county and regional labour centre (Pécs) and Lajos Bódis, associate professor at the Institute of Social and Political Sciences of Corvinus University of Budapest. The event will be moderated by Katalin Nagy, former Counsellor of the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU, Managing Director of Socfactor Consulting Consulting Bt., and member of the HEA’s Labour Section.

Information needed to follow the event live:
Meeting number: 2370 923 3618
Password: Munkaugy30