Péter Halmai, academician, President of the Economic Policy and Economic Theory Section of the Hungarian Economic Association, professor at the National University of Public Service and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, was elected President of the Section IX of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS). Professor Halmai, who has also become a member of the Presidium of the HAS, will hold the post until 2026.

Péter Halmai, who was awarded the Jean Monnet Professorship by the European Commission in 1996, has been Vice-Chairman of the HAS’s Section IX since 2017. His main research interests include international economics, macroeconomics, comparative economics and agricultural economics. He is also a member of the Doctoral Council of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and has published nearly 400 papers, including several books and several works in foreign languages. His academic work has focused on the macroeconomics of European integration, the specificities of the European growth and catching-up model, the financial and economic crisis and the impact of the COVID epidemic, among other topics. Péter Halmai was the founding President of the Veszprém County Organisation of the HEA, and since 2022 he has been the President of the Economic Policy and Theory Section of the HEA. His work was recognised by the HEA’s Presidium in 2019 with the Economist Grand Prize.

We congratulate Péter Halmai on his election!