The Public Finance Section of the Hungarian Economic Association will organise a professional event on the 2024 budget planning and the review of the efficiency of public spending on Friday, 8 September 2023, from 14:00 at the International Conference Room of the Ministry of Finance (1051 Budapest, József nádor tér 2-4.).

The speakers will be Péter Benő Banai, State Secretary for Public Finance of the Ministry of Finance, President of the Public Finance Section of the HEA and Richárd Adorján, Deputy State Secretary for Budget of the Ministry of Finance, Member of the Section’s Board. The event is not open to the press.

The renewal of the MKT Public Finance Section will be held online in conjunction with the event. A link to the ballot paper will be sent by e-mail to the members of the Section who are entitled to vote.

In view of the capacity of the room, participation in the event is strictly subject to prior registration. We kindly ask all interested parties to inform the Secretary of the Section, Dániel Plósz, at by Thursday, 7 September at the latest! Applications are only accepted up to the capacity of the room!